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thanks democrates

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Old 11-05-2008, 10:41 AM
Join Date: Oct 2008
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Default RE: thanks democrates

ORIGINAL: nralover
Don't blame the dems- the republicans are free to vote as well. You can't fight for your guns if you can't eat, and the plain truth of it is that the current administration has put this economy in the toilet...
The economy has put itself in the toilet. Banks and credit lenders aren't going under because of the Bush administration. They're going under because they gave too much credit and too many loans out to Americans that never should of gotten them. Someone that makes 30k a year shouldn't be living in a 300k house which they can't afford to pay for. Americans are broke and in debt because they try to live outside of their means with buying new 200k houses, 30-40k cars/trucks, 2k 50" big screen TV's for their living room, and then pay for all their expensive addictions like smoking, drinking, sex, and drugs which they will still spend their last dime on even if they don't have food to eat.

Somewhere around 40% of those 95% of lower income families which Obama refers to is living on Welfare. And a lot are on it because they want to be on it, not because they have to be. It's easier to pop out a few kids and draw money from the government than it is to hold down a job. Now Obama wants to give them the same kind of tax relief as everyone else so they'll get cut another check by the government each year under Obama's plan even though they aren't paying in taxes. And on top of that what do you think is going to happen when Obama raises taxes on the businesses making over 250k a year? Do you think raising taxes on the businesses that are already struggling is going to cause them to flourish? What incentives will businesses have to not move their business out of the country like most of the large corps today? What will happen when that businesses profit margins are cut and they're forced to cut spending which means letting people go, cutting health insurance, lower salaries, ect. With the way things are sitting right now if Obama pushes his current plan in full force by 2010 when the Bush tax plan expires I would predict we could be on the verge of the second great depression. Senator Barack Hussein Obama was elected last night and is coming into office with MORE power than any other President in history because of the swing the democratic party took last night. No other President has came into power with such a large swing towards his party that I can think of.

Barack Obama is very well spoken and comes in such a likable manner that it's hard not to want to like him. His words are very calculated and appeal greatly to the majority. His promise of "change" is what America is now grasping their arms out for. And last night "change" came to America. The biggest problem however is that Obama has no support for his promises of change other than his word. And his word to me isn't worth anything because he has never done anything to show he is capable of bringing this change. At least not any good change. In fact the way he voted in the Senate before running for the Presidency was almost like he was a totally different man before 2008. We also can't forget his background and the beliefs that he seemed to support all the way up until he was running for President. He spent 20 years of his life being taught by a pastor which is in all truth a radical black supremacist that speaks very negatively of America. But now Obama just says he doesn't agree with a lot of the things Rev. Wright says. Well personally if I didn't believe in what a pastor was preaching I wouldn't spend 20 years of my life going there regularly. I wouldn't pick him as the man to baptize my two daughters and marry me and my wife. And I would give credit to him in my bestselling book, The Audacity of Hope.

Here is a couple of quotes from members and their church.

"I wouldn't call it radical. I call it being black in America," said one congregation member outside the church last Sunday.

"He has impacted the life of Barack Obama so much so that he wants to portray that feeling he got from Rev. Wright onto the country because we all need something positive," said another member of the congregation.

So exactly what about Barack Obama has changed since that time in his life and the 2008 election? Personally I say nothing has changed. Personally I say the man you saw during the campaign run is not the same man you will see elected as President. The way in which many Americans perceive him may remain a lot the same due to his cool acting nature and excellent way of speaking in a manner that makes you feel confident about what he's saying. His well calculated words makes you feel like he's truly honest and wants to bring you hope and change. But as this "change" is brought about I believe we'll start to see many things take place and happen that we never thought that we would. Things like what defines a marriage, what defines the right for abortion, what defines the right to bear arms, what defines the right as an American to live free from government control, will all slowly begin to shift according to one mans ideals. And it may not happen overnight but it will happen because last night we just elected the man that was actually voted the most liberal senator in America.

And in closing here I'll leave you with this striking resemblance to yet another man in history which portrayed himself at the beginning much the same way as Obama has throughout the campaign. I edited a couple of words in the quote in order to not as easily give away who this is referring to.

" ... prior to coming to power he had not killed anyone. He was insane, but few could see that. Far from it, he was seen as a gifted man and hailed as the savior of their country. He was admired throughout the world. He appealed to the masses of people – the working class and particularly to women, and did not just inspire them, he “elevated” them. Thousands rallied to listen to his passionate speeches. They shed tears when he spoke. Women fainted during his speeches. To them, he was not a politician, but a demigod, a messiah. They envisioned him as truly a magical figure of majestic wisdom and glory. They worshiped him. They surrendered their wills to him. He restored their national pride. He projected himself as their savior. He ran on the platform of change and hope. Change he delivered all right, but hopes he shattered. "

This man who made promises of change was Adolf Hitler.

And here's a video I just saw someone post a link to a few minutes ago. I don't personally advocate this minister in any way or anything as far as what he teaches since it's apparent he's fairly radical but I thought the video for the most part gives you a visual view of how similar people then and people now responded to these two men (Hitler and Obama).

The problem however is that people today think they're so educated that they would automatically recognize any kind of man like this right away and it's not even conceivable to them that a man like this could be anything outside of what he says he is. But just because Obama will probably never have the Jews all lined up again and shot in the back of the head doesn't mean he won't do other things like take away many of our self liberties and impose extremely liberal policies upon our nation that we live in.
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Old 11-05-2008, 10:51 AM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: thanks democrates

I voted for McClain/Palin but to tell you the truth I think the Republican Party really stepped on their you know what with McClain. They owed it to him to give him the shot. If the Republicans could have come up with a young energetic canidate to runand he or she would have pickedPalin for VP canidateI think the outcome would be different. People were ready for a change. And, I don't like the choice they made any better than anyone else. Just my 2 cents.
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Old 11-05-2008, 12:00 PM
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I'm extremely impressed burningrav! Well said and thought out supported by facts. BRAVO!!!
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Old 11-05-2008, 12:07 PM
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Default RE: thanks democrates

A most impressive post !!!!!! You have done your home work very well !!!!!
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Old 11-05-2008, 01:47 PM
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Default RE: thanks democrates

I couldn't have put it any better myself!!
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Old 11-05-2008, 02:09 PM
Fork Horn
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Default RE: thanks democrates

ORIGINAL: sjsfire

I voted for McClain/Palin but to tell you the truth I think the Republican Party really stepped on their you know what with McClain. They owed it to him to give him the shot. If the Republicans could have come up with a young energetic canidate to runand he or she would have pickedPalin for VP canidateI think the outcome would be different. People were ready for a change. And, I don't like the choice they made any better than anyone else. Just my 2 cents.
Ithink that may have made it alot closer than it was. Quite frankly i have to somewhat disagree with the well written post above.A person making 30K a year 10 years ago was doing ok for themselves. The cost of living was significantly less than it is now. Gas alone was a 1/3rd of the price and so was electric, heat, water, sewage, ect...You even got interest on your money, and the stock market was thriving. This was under Clinton and a Republican congress. Today everything is so inflated in price due to the rise in production costs and fuelin the country that it is hard to really look back a few years and see how everything has changed in such a short amount of time. I think it is pretty easy to let your home foreclose and get behind on payments, if you have a job shipped overseas or subcontracted out for a cheaper wage...Not to mention the rising cost of living surrounding you as a homeowner....

While i do feel that both McCain and Obama both would have differed from the Bush administration andstarted us back into the better days of this country.I dont think a younger canidate with the same campaign strategy as McCain could have pulled it off. Obama was able to capitalize on McCain's inability to distance him from the Bush administration's economic policy when the economy really hit the toilet in September and the bail out was proposed. That was where Obama secured the win. The country already has a sour taste in its mouth for the war, which was a big topic of discussion with the 2 canidates...Palin had been saying McCain was alotmore conservative than he really was which was hurting him as well. The fear tactics of propaganda the McCain camp was releasing against Obama were not setting well with the American voters either.

Obama already has done one very important thing for this country alreadyregaurdless of who you voted for. He created a huge turnout for this election. He made people both republican and democrat feel that their vote mattered and made a difference.

I do believe this man is a good person and I believe John McCain is a true American and loves his country as well.Obama has made it clear he wants to surround himself with the best possible cast of both democrats and republicans. I wouldnt be very suprised if McCain is considered on his cab. As a registered independantI have a huge amount of respect for both of these men. Lets just hope Obama will work with McCain as well as make the proper decisions to use money wisely for the good of this country asa whole....I for one am pretty sick of throwing money away in the Middle East. Lets get that job done over there, bring our boys home safe, and start spending all our hard earned tax money in our own country and on our own people...
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Old 11-05-2008, 02:58 PM
Nontypical Buck
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I have utterly NO respect for someone that DON'T honor veterans,WON'Tuse the bible to be sworn in with,refuses to recognize the american flag and the star bangled banner! In fact,the ONLY thing I see good from this is that my christmas card list just got a whole lot smaller-IF they admit to voting for him.

Obama already has done one very important thing for this country alreadyregaurdless of who you voted for. He created a huge turnout for this election. He made people both republican and democrat feel that their vote mattered and made a difference.

I do believe this man is a good person and I believe John McCain is a true American and loves his country as well.Obama has made it clear he wants to surround himself with the best possible cast of both democrats and republicans. I wouldnt be very suprised if McCain is considered on his cab. As a registered independantI have a huge amount of respect for both of these men. Lets just hope Obama will work with McCain as well as make the proper decisions to use money wisely for the good of this country asa whole....I for one am pretty sick of throwing money away in the Middle East. Lets get that job done over there, bring our boys home safe, and start spending all our hard earned tax money in our own country and on our own people...
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Old 11-05-2008, 03:22 PM
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Default RE: thanks democrates

ORIGINAL: CarpetBagger]Quite frankly i have to somewhat disagree with the well written post above. A person making 30K a year 10 years ago was doing ok for themselves. The cost of living was significantly less than it is now. Gas alone was a 1/3rd of the price and so was electric, heat, water, sewage, ect...You even got interest on your money, and the stock market was thriving. This was under Clinton and a Republican congress. Today everything is so inflated in price due to the rise in production costs and fuel in the country that it is hard to really look back a few years and see how everything has changed in such a short amount of time. I think it is pretty easy to let your home foreclose and get behind on payments, if you have a job shipped overseas or subcontracted out for a cheaper wage...Not to mention the rising cost of living surrounding you as a homeowner....
I agree that 10 years ago 30k was a decent enough amount of money to live off of depending on where you were located. In California probably not but in other states like Missouri where I'm from then yeah. But what I was trying to say is even if you were making 30k the banks shouldn't of been giving out huge loans for property and houses that are beyond that persons ability to repay. Because of Clinton's equal credit policy though banks just started giving out loans left and right. Everyone started mortgages their house. Some even taking a second and third mortgage out on their house. And then you've got all the young couples just married and wanting to go out and buy themselves a place to live. They end up buying property and a house that's out of their means and saddle themselves with a huge monthly payment that takes 30 years to pay off. Then you've also got these people that make low income and they go out and buy a brand new $35,000 truck. They do great for a few months and then all of a sudden things get tight and they can't make their monthly payment. The bank reposes the vehicle but that's about all they can do since that person doesn't have anything else of value to their name. So the problems with our economy isn't really who has been in the oval office but people today wanting to live far and beyond their means.

Clinton also did very little to get our economy in the good shape it was then. The economic boom was because of Reagan's policies and the end of the Cold War during the 80's. Clinton was just elected at the right time to get to benefit of everything that had already been put into play. Also keep in mind that it was in the late 80's and early 90's when the job industries were being redesigned because of innovations like the personal home computer. A lot of big advancements in technology was taking place. Things like this cause economic growth. Since that period however our large corporations have taken their businesses and jobs overseas and other countries like China and Japan are outpacing us in technology. So our economic problems have a whole heck of a lot of reasons for why it's in the shape it's in now and it's not all because of George Bush and the war in Iraq like Obama would lead you to believe. And now what is Obama going to do to fix our economy? He's going to lower taxes on the people that don't pay that high of taxes as it is and raise taxes on all the businesses which which drive our country and are currently in downward spiraling recession.
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Old 11-05-2008, 03:57 PM
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Default RE: thanks democrates

nothing will happen we have had dems in the whitehouse before
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Old 11-05-2008, 05:16 PM
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ORIGINAL: Ridge Runner

well as far as the economy goes, as for myself and the circle of people I'm in contact with, other than gas prices being high, I never really saw the economy as being that bad, sure those who took the bait on the interest only loans then the housing market checked itself were in a bad way but face it, they went in over they're heads. I think all the complaining about the economy was just a ploy to help the liberals win the election, the financial fiasco was just the lucky break they needed. what happened to gas prices now?
Its like I told my boss, if not for reading about it I wouldn't have known the country was in such bad shape.
I don't know whether to laugh, cry, or sell out and move to canada and denounce my fello countrymen just elected the most liberal senator in congress to be the next president, a man who stood before us and said america is no longer a christian country, well this country was founded, defended, and think of how many have died in the process, by christian people and look at who has taken it over?
Good post RR.
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