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Wal Mart?

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Old 05-06-2004, 12:02 PM
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Default RE: Wal Mart?

I can see where some of you have problems with Wal-Mart. But like OEH said, maybe most of the problem is with the management, not the employees. It's not their fault they aren't knowledgeable. It should be managements responsibility to train their employees and to stock marketable stuff.

I worked for over a year at a newly opened Academy Sports and Outdoors. Major competitor with Wal-Mart in the South. Before the store even opened, they brought in experts for each department (hunting/fishing, apparel, footwear, teamsports, etc) and trained the employees that were going to be working in those individual departments. That lasted two weeks, 8 hours a day. And we did the training in the store, where we had hands on training. Having been a sportsman most of my life, and demonstrating a knowledge of the merchandise, I was even asked to assist in some of the training. I think this is the right way to do it. Then those employees are responsible for training new employees that are hired at a later date. We also had a management that would listen to us if we suggested they stock certain items. If at all possible, they would do so.

I don't hate Wal-Mart (especially since I no longer work at Academy ). But I can understand both sides of this debate. If the smaller shops want to compete with the likes of Academy and Wally World, they need to focus on customer service because they just plain can't get it done with pricing. At Academy, customer service was number one, followed by product knowledge being the most important values. I'll definately pay extra money, if I'm treated right and get my issues resolved in a timely, friendly manner.
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Old 05-06-2004, 01:36 PM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: Wal Mart?

It's good to debate things. We can all learn something in the end. I was not hammering the employees in any way...its an honest job and far better than sitting at home collecting something which too many people today seem to My beef is just with management.....cant fault folks for needing a job. I guess my whole point was just to try to get people to look at the big picture of foreign products...especially Chinese products. You are right in the fact this country has a TERRIBLE dependance on them.

Thanks Tupelo for clearing the deductible part up. Again it wasnt any shot at folks who work there...just a shot at management. I am self-employed myself. Hang in there and hope college goes well for you...I am thinking about going back next year myself. As for Lebanese transvestites.....yeeeech....[:'(]...

Oldelkhunter I think the reloading equipment must be a state to state thing...because all of them i have browsed through in WV have a ton of reloading equipment.
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Old 05-06-2004, 03:08 PM
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Default RE: Wal Mart?

This is a good spirited debate. I will just add that i think it's a good idea to patronize the mom and pop stores when you can. I do, but i don't make it a rule that i live by. If my local gun shop owner was $25 more, and is not an arrogant PrI&%, i would buy from him. Fact is, i looked at a few gun shops when i bought my model 70. There is no difference except the $179 difference. If you think about it, Winchester is still making money.. even if you buy your remington ammo at wal-mart, remington still makes money don't they? that's a good thing. But i can't justify $179 difference to deal with someone like my local gun shop owner. Plus i knew what i wanted when i went to the gun shop. I didn't need someone selling me something. i did my own research. Perfect example, the local shop had a Marlin336 30.30 USED on sale for $410.... YEP $410!!!! wallmart had the same gun NEW for $329 with a scope (albeit cheap) and sling. It seems to me the gun shop is preying on people who don't know what they are doing.

To be a good mom an pop shop you have to answer the call of being more customer driven than wal-mart. Some are, some aren't. the ones that are usually do alright.
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Old 05-06-2004, 09:34 PM
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Default RE: Wal Mart?

Oldelkhunter, let me clear up some points that you said about Wal-Mart.

1.When you said "stupid" you really have no idea who you are talking about. The management really doesn't have a say in what is stocked in their store. Wal-Mart has people working for them called "Buyers". These people go around to different companies to see what Wal-Mart can sell to the general public. After the "Buyer" buys the items from the company then Wal-Mart has the pleasure of seeing which stores get the merchandise. Wal-Mart tries to send the merchandise to where it will sell the most and make the most profit. Think about it: Where would you send the most thermal underwear? Colorado or Mississippi? The way that Wal-Mart shelfs are stocked is by things called "modulars". This is basically a blueprint that comes down from our Home Office (aka Bentonville, AR). We have to make our shelfs and merchandise look exactly like the "modular" says. Home Office decides what goes on the shelf, how many facings of merchadise is allowed, and how big the section is going to be. So it is not the "management" or "employees" of the store that decide what goes on our shelfs but people crunching numbers at our Home Office.

2. I agree that there are some "gun illiterate" associates at Wal-Mart. Here again I stress that we are not a "Gun Goods Department" but a "Sporting Goods Department". We handle more than just the hunting season. Most associates in Sporting Goods departments have to learn about the department as they go along. I bet that everything you know about guns has been collected throughout your life. No one just walked up to you and gave you a complete lesson on guns. You learned everything thru time and I'm sure those associates will too.

3. I'm sure the associate at the Customer Service Desk could have been a little more "friendly" when you took your gun to the Service Desk. Question: Did an associate walk you to the Service Desk when you entered the store with your firearm? If not, then they should have. When people bring guns to Wal-Mart they are suppose to have their gun taken from them and walked to Customer Service. Only policemen are allowed to have a firearm on them in the store. I have had instances that people have pulled out guns on me back at the Sporting Goods counter. When your not expecting it then it can make you a little jumpy. Especially when you don't know that person or there motives. In this day and age you can't be to careful.

The reason for not trading guns is simple. Like you said, "There are totally gun illiterate people in most Walmart stores." Then why would we want a gun illiterate person trading guns with the general public. The guns that Wal-Mart sells comes from authorized gun distributors with FFL's (Federal Firearms License). These are the same people that the small stores order their guns from. We are not going to trade guns with people and we don't know what firing condition they are in or the history behind the gun. This can lead to messed up Firearm Log Books and who knows what else.
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Old 05-07-2004, 06:41 AM
Giant Nontypical
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Default RE: Wal Mart?

1.When you said "stupid" you really have no idea who you are talking about. The management really doesn't have a say in what is stocked in their store. Wal-Mart has people working for them called "Buyers". These people go around to different companies to see what Wal-Mart can sell to the general public. After the "Buyer" buys the items from the company then Wal-Mart has the pleasure of seeing which stores get the merchandise. Wal-Mart tries to send the merchandise to where it will sell the most and make the most profit. Think about it: Where would you send the most thermal underwear? Colorado or Mississippi? The way that Wal-Mart shelfs are stocked is by things called "modulars". This is basically a blueprint that comes down from our Home Office (aka Bentonville, AR). We have to make our shelfs and merchandise look exactly like the "modular" says. Home Office decides what goes on the shelf, how many facings of merchadise is allowed, and how big the section is going to be. So it is not the "management" or "employees" of the store that decide what goes on our shelfs but people crunching numbers at our Home Office.
I meant who decides what is stocked where is my meaning and I fully recognize it is beyond the normal walmart store and something done at a national/regional level. As a person who has a degree in business administration and been in the business world in a retail and technical level I know what a buyer is thank you. I guess I have to question the competence level of your buyers.

2. I agree that there are some "gun illiterate" associates at Wal-Mart. Here again I stress that we are not a "Gun Goods Department" but a "Sporting Goods Department". We handle more than just the hunting season. Most associates in Sporting Goods departments have to learn about the department as they go along. I bet that everything you know about guns has been collected throughout your life. No one just walked up to you and gave you a complete lesson on guns. You learned everything thru time and I'm sure those associates will too.
Somehow I doubt this.

3. I'm sure the associate at the Customer Service Desk could have been a little more "friendly" when you took your gun to the Service Desk. Question: Did an associate walk you to the Service Desk when you entered the store with your firearm? If not, then they should have. When people bring guns to Wal-Mart they are suppose to have their gun taken from them and walked to Customer Service. Only policemen are allowed to have a firearm on them in the store. I have had instances that people have pulled out guns on me back at the Sporting Goods counter. When your not expecting it then it can make you a little jumpy. Especially when you don't know that person or there motives. In this day and age you can't be to careful.
No I walked right up to the counter myself how bout that.

The reason for not trading guns is simple. Like you said, "There are totally gun illiterate people in most Walmart stores." Then why would we want a gun illiterate person trading guns with the general public. The guns that Wal-Mart sells comes from authorized gun distributors with FFL's (Federal Firearms License). These are the same people that the small stores order their guns from. We are not going to trade guns with people and we don't know what firing condition they are in or the history behind the gun. This can lead to messed up Firearm Log Books and who knows what else.
That is a good explanation
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Old 05-07-2004, 11:52 AM
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Default RE: Wal Mart?

Oldelkhunter, thank you for your reply. There are so many people who place the blame on the store management and floor associates. We really are just pieces on a chess board. I have been called many names by irrate customers when we don't have the item they want or are just currently sold out. Many people don't realize that it is not us. We do as we are told by Home Office. We have no control as to what comes into our receiving doors. I do see your point on some issues as I hope you see mine on the others. Thanks again for your reply.
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Old 05-07-2004, 12:09 PM
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Default RE: Wal Mart?

Tupelo, I more then anyone knows that if something is not right/or right with a Company it starts at the top.
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Old 05-07-2004, 12:53 PM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: Wal Mart?


. Only policemen are allowed to have a firearm on them in the store.

Tupelo, Are you saying Wal*Mart doesn't allow legally carried Concealed Weapons in their stores?If so I think a Boycott against Wal*Mart would be in order.
Several years back now I was going in a W*M in the Orlando FL area.At the garden shop entrance there was a sign saying "No Concealed Weapons Allowed".Before getting a computer I wrote W*M in Bentonville a letter concerning this.I never received a reply which I was PO about.A few months later I was by that store again and checked. The sign was gone.I was hoping Wal*Mart had gotten a little common sense.From your comment it doesn't sound like they have.If it's concealed they don't know you have it anyway. If I'm given a permit to carry and it's not restricted by law I'm going to carry one way or another.Wal*Mart will not dictate what's good for me.It's bad enough having the Gov't telling us what we can and can't do.

Tupelo You do sound like a dedicated Wal*mart employee with quite abit of W*M knowledge.You definately defend them. If more W*M employees were like you it would make W*M a nicer place to shop.In my own experiences with Wal*Mart trying to get assistance is not a easy task.Most act like they are doing you a favor being there.

OEH, I'm by no means defending Wal*Mart. They're big enough to defend themselves. My Local Wal*Mart does however sell some reloading stuff.I know they have RCBS dies,bullets and seems to me I saw powder.I've really never paid that much attention since I order through Midsouth and get much better prices.

Tupelo, Please don't take my comments wrong. I'm not coming down on you.It's Wal*Mart that needs to get their act together.I guess when your one of the 'Big Boys" you do what you darn well please.
Ruger Redhawk
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Old 05-07-2004, 08:04 PM
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Default RE: Wal Mart?

Ruger, I don't think that you are coming down on me. I don't think that anyone in this forum is. I am glad that I can find a place to come and voice my opinions on subjects without getting into arguments. I will admit that I am a dedicated employee for Wal-Mart. They have done so much for me and my family. My father also works at Wal-Mart as Receiving Manager. My older sister use to work in Sporting Goods with me until she got another job. Many of the people that work in my store I consider close friends. I will admit there are somethings that Wal-Mart does that I don't agree with. But all in all they are not a bad company to work for. Basically I get payed to work in Sporting Goods around guns and I get to meet and talk to hunters when they come to shop. I love my job.
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Old 05-07-2004, 09:33 PM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: Wal Mart?

Tupelo,I wasn't thinking earlier, I should have welcomed you to the forum first. I'm glad you feel comfortable expressing your opinions here. That's what these forums are all about.Once in awhile people get a little hot around the collar,but it usually clams down eventually.Count yourself lucky if you love your job.One last thing I like your style.If you believe in something and you have something to say you don't hold it back.
Ruger Redhawk
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