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Chuck7 04-14-2005 11:32 AM

RE: Florida Green Swamp Post Here
Mr. Rebel,

Have you done alot of hunting at 3 lakes? I plan on giving that a shot next year. Since it's open all year I figure I can scout during the summer.
I believe driving through Kissismmee is a little shorter. My birding friend drove that way the last time. We drove through Lake Alfred and around Kissismmee all the way to Williams Road.

Rebel Hog 04-14-2005 11:52 AM

RE: Florida Green Swamp Post Here
It use to be that you had to have a quota permit before June 11.
I use to send all my quota forms on june 1 every year.
Always got my first choices to all of them!
I don't know if it has changed?
Yes I really liked Three Lakes, but my buddies always wanted to
move on. I went to Kissimee's court house and bought Aerial
print-out's of Three Lakes WMA location. It's three sheets taped
together. I think It cost me $12 and some change,that was in
1995. Keeping them in the truck has caused them to fade alot!
I knew every spot there.The area under I-95 use to be real muddy,
but there's were the hogs were at! If you are hunting Deer you
should stick to it, you should'nt hunt both at the same time or
you will not shoot anything.
Be safe&good luck, RH!

Chuck7 04-14-2005 03:52 PM

RE: Florida Green Swamp Post Here
Hey Rebel,
No, you do not need a quota after the first 9 days. After that ,it's first come first serve.
I know about applying for the quotas to by June 10th what I'm not familiar with is the second time that one can apply again. I 'm even going to apply for the special quota for the West Green Swamp. So you like hunting the overpass of 471 ? I'll check that out. One endangered bird that birders go in there to see is the Red-Cockaded Wood pecker. There are areas closed in there just to protect these little guys that are about the size of the Downy Woodpecker. Since it's open all year for hikers I'm going to do some scouting this summer. I also remember that you need to drop 3.00 in a box when you drive in. If you ever want to hunt with me I'm always alone and am very flexable. I wouldn't even mind buying an out of state license for the right situation.

Rebel Hog 04-14-2005 04:21 PM

RE: Florida Green Swamp Post Here
Chuck, You need to go see the Darling Sanctuary in Fort Meyers Fl.
It's enormous and every bird you can think of, even Flamingoes and
Spoon Bills.You can drive your car thru it.They even have look-out
towers for taking pictures.I use to raise Finches and Quail a long time ago.
It use to be on the honor system on donations.
I love birds as you do.

Chuck7 04-14-2005 04:39 PM

RE: Florida Green Swamp Post Here
I was planning a trip there with an Audubon guy but decided on turkey hunting instead. I got some great videos though last year in Fort DEsota along with 6 new life birds. I take my students on weekly bird walks around our school taking all sorts of data. They love it. We do it early before school even starts. We've seen 68 different species at the school altogether. Another teacher sent me to Fort Desota last year where I got some in your face pictures of ..
Indigo Bunting
Hooded Warbler Prairie Warbler Kentucky Warbler Prothonatary Warbler
Ruby- throated hummingbird
Black Hooded Parakeet
Magnificate Frigate Bird
Orchard Oriole
Scarlet Tanager
Reddish Egret
The Audubon people do not appreciate me being a hunter. They have given me the cold shoulder. I don't see why we can't be on the same team.

Chuck7 04-14-2005 04:54 PM

RE: Florida Green Swamp Post Here
Rebel ,
Are you familiar with the Wings over Florida program. It's very nice and free. You simply send away for the information by contacting Wings Over Florida . They have 5 different beautiful certificates that you can earn. I have the first 2 and am working on the 3rd.
They send you nice checklist booklets You have to identify 50 for the first certificate.and get a nice certificate with a cardinal on it....piece of cake. You then have to identify 150 for the second certificate which is a Shrub jay ...not too hard I'm working on the 3rd which has a Swallow tailed kite on it You need 250 birds. They can only be seen or heard in Florida and not in captivity. I have about 205. Most of the ones I need are either in Miami with a high powered birding scope or the pan handle. I plan to also hunt Eglin's Airforce Base this year. They have monster deer compared to central Florida and a few birds I need that don't quite migrate this far. The 4thcertificate is 350 birds the 5th I believe is 400. I'll be tickled to get 250. They even have a Junior Birder that I can give to my students. Only 6 earned them last year.

Rebel Hog 04-14-2005 05:37 PM

RE: Florida Green Swamp Post Here
Chuck, no I'm not familiar with that one. I was in Finches, Canaries,
Homing Piegeons, Fighting Cocks and Fancy Chickens. Back in the 70's
I had Fancy Bantams, a hen&cock in pairs from all over the world.
Also had Laying Chickens, Goats with kids, Sheep with lambs, Cows
with calves, Mallard Ducks with ducklings and many other animals.
Had a 100 egg incubator and brooding pens.This was like a petting
farm for the kids.My wife use to make it a field trip for her class.
I'm out of all that now, sold the goats last Febuary. Kind of miss them.
I use to make Goats milk cheese, something like Feta.All I have now
is a heffa and 4 steers in the pasture. To much Work!

I use to belong to FL West Coast Archiology Sociaty.We use to comb
all the Phosfate Mines for bones. Also belonged to a metal detecting club.
I have really enjoyed the outdoors all these years.
Now I sit in a deer stand a few times a year. I have it ready to go!

Chuck7 04-14-2005 06:06 PM

RE: Florida Green Swamp Post Here
Mr. Rebel,
I may be seeing a little bit of reason why I've run into you. You know from the religious site that I'm a Christian. My neighbors are Mexican and I have had some trouble with them. Possibly you can help me .I'm having a hard time loving my neighbor as myself.About 3 years ago a Mexican family moved next door. Being a Christian ,race or color means nothing to me. I studied culture in college and realize that family is everything to Hispanics. Sure enough the house grew quickly into 3 families with LOUD parties to 3 Am We are in city limits.I've tried talking nice ,gave gifts but ended up calling the law 8 times. In retaliation I've got 6 dents in my suburban with blocks, dead animals thrown across the fence. Last year I was stung 10 times. The code enforcers said they had 41 honey bee hives. They had to get rid of them. They dad appears really neat. When the hurricane blew a large tree down I was the first to cut it up and stack it for them. I really do try to walk in love but it is hard. Can you give me some insight on cultural issues relating to this situation.,and maybe some advice.

Chuck7 04-14-2005 06:09 PM

RE: Florida Green Swamp Post Here
It's also funny you mentioned fossils. I have a rocks and minerals collection as well. I'm looking to buy a nice fern in shale specimen off ebay for my classroom. I tried metal detecting for a while but quit.

Rebel Hog 04-14-2005 06:42 PM

RE: Florida Green Swamp Post Here
Chuck, please don't call me Mr., just call me Rebel.
I don't know what to tell you about your neighbors.Almost 38yrs ago I moved
to my farm from Ybor City,Tampa Fl.{Spanish Harlem} because of the same
problems. I was like you, always trying to treat eveyone the way I wanted to
be treated, but It never happen. Everyone use to tell me If I did'nt like It to
move and thats what me and my wife did. I have never been happier on 40 acres
as we have all these years. You know, my wife still to this day, still exchanges Xmas
cards with our old neighbors in Ybor City. They were uneducated and poor,
without faith and lived from day to day. Maybe they had envy in thier hearts towards
us, I don't know. Just pray about It and the LORD will guide you, like he did us.
Life is what you make of It!

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