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Old 02-19-2005, 07:43 PM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: Best Elk Calls?

I agree and back up Elknut, he is right one the money. If you go out and just blow your bugle tube or just blow on your cow call with realy no overall plan in what you are doing/trying to say, then most likley nothing will happen. I honestly think that most 90% of all elk hunters go out each fall and do just that they go out and just blow their horn so to speak. A lot of years I have ran into hunters who say man I tried to call but this year these elk calls just don't work, the elk are too call shy. I ask what they are using and they will only show me one or two calls at the most. I then show them my small collection, and they laugh or might try to even poke a joke at me. But I just smile and think man if they were only with me a couple hours ago when I called in a bull or that cow, then I wonder what they would think then. Elk do speak and talk to each other and learning what they say and when to say it can and will be the difference between punching an elk tag and comming home empty handed. Also I am not talking about just during the archey Season, but year around. I am amazed that more rifle hunters don't use elk calls in October to late season. I have asked a lot of rifles hunters what elk call if any are they going to use. Knowing dang well what time of year they were planning to rifle hunt. The majority of them just look at me funny and say "I am not planning on using any elk calls, I'm rifle hunting I thought you knew that?" I think or say (if I know them) well if you only knew what additional opprotunities that good calling could give ya even during late rifle season, then the calls would be first on your list right along with your rifle. Anyone who doesn't want to believe what were saying,,,, well thats fine with me, because your the one missing out. But I am telling you if you learn to call well, know what to say and when to say it then,, sit back and the enjoy the show!!!
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