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Old 02-02-2005, 05:31 PM
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 111

These folks all gave you good answers. Always remember your ethics and manners, don't stoop to their level.

Education is the key. You should get a hunter education course, they're ususally free. Contact your state division of wildlife.

Hunting and trapping are legitimate means for controlling wildlife populations. Here in northern Ohio the antis get all excited about deer hunting in the Cuyahoga Valley, but I never hear what they have to say when starving deer are found (every year) because the habitat won't support them (e.g., not enough food). Those who say let nature take it's course aren't very smart. Wildlife management is SCIENCE, not emotion. The scientific fact is, the animals that prey upon whitetails will not tolerate man. Whereas a deer will cozy right up into a subdivision, bears, cougars and other predators will not and in fact left a long time ago.

Also, hunting protects the ENTIRE 'biota' (all plant and animal life). Deer will strip all vegetation they can reach, and they can reach a lot. They will stand on their hind legs. When that vegetation is stripped, what happens to the birds that nest in brush and low growth? I'm not into flowers, but I know for a fact that certain flowers that were native to the Cuyahoga Valley are now completely gone, because the deer ate 'em for dinner.

Stick to the facts and the science, and you'll whip 'em every time. And if they say "Oh, that deer really has a chance against you and your gun," ask them how much of a chance that hamburger they're eating had.
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