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Thread: WOLVES
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Old 01-08-2005, 06:28 PM
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: N.W. Wyoming
Posts: 57
Default RE: WOLVES

DUCKSTAMPEDE, that is a good point. But the difference now as opposed to when wolves and wildlife coexisted with out problems are numerous. The wolves were introduced, not naturally occuring, no control of the wolves as yet. USF&W is waffleing on control. Very limited control in Montana and Idaho, if your livestock or pets are being attacked and thats it. Wyoming, no control because Wyoming submitted thier plan along with Id, and Mt. The Wy plan calls for all wolves out of Rockefeller Park and Yellowstone to be classified as preditors, in the Parks they are trophy game. We all know in the Parks they will never be hunted, no hunting is allowed in those parks. Basically out of the Park they are fair game, anything goes except, poison or aireal gunning. The USF&W did not like this so they denied WY delisting. The state of Wyoming, a group of hunters, two county commisions, and a livestock group, filed suit against the USF&W just recently to prove that the USF&W lied and denied Wy's plan on unsound scientific evidence. Right now it is a political ploy by the feds.

Don't let anyone BS you, the Canadian Grey wolf is doing fine and VERY well in Wy. No one can even agree on a total count. USF&W say 170 wolves in WY. G&F estimates over 500. Mike Jemenez, USF&W guru, stated to the news last week that the wolf population has leveld off in Wy, with a 6% growth rate. 6% is a pretty good growth rate, I wouldn't call that leveling off. Where as, the elk population is at less than 1% growth in the same area. There are so many reports around the state I have to agree with the G&F. I can tell you documented, published stories one after the other of wolf sighintgs around the state of Wy. The truth is big game is suffering, drought, loss of habitat, and preditors. Wolves and Grizzlys. A combination of all of the above has drasticly reduced elk numbers in some areas to pre 70 levels. Simple math, wolves eat elk, there are around 500. How much meat can 500 wolves eat? LOTS AND LOTS! What do you think? Conservatively! 20 elk a day? Times 365 days a year! Not to mention the ones that are stressed from harasment by being chased by wolves, only to wonder off and die or abort thier calves. This has also happend on almost every winter feed ground in WY. Read the above news article.

It is a very controversial and emotional situation. I am not against having wolves here, I just feel if they come out of Yellowstone then they are fair game. If a season was opend tomorrow and no restrictions, excluding poison and aireal gunning, you wuold not kill all the wolves in Wy. They will not be wiped out, or eradicated. How many people on this forum has spent time in wolf country and even seen a wolf?? I have hunted in 5 Canadian provinces a total of 7 times, a wolf tag in my pocket each time and I seen one wolf in all the trips I made. Here in Wy, I see tracks every time I go to where I elk hunt, I have seen wolves one time, they just stand there and watch you, no fear. And I am seeing fewer and fewer elk. As is most outfitters and hunters in Northwest Wy.
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