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Old 12-07-2004, 04:37 PM
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 26
Default RE: Humane Society to Launch Assault

Weather you agree or not we do not need these groups around. They try to pressure our way of life and in our schools our children are being fed this BS. You have alot of groups out there especially the VEAGANS that are trying to influence our goverment and they are doing it through our courts. Thats why as hunters and sportsman we need to stick together. I had an idea a while back. When you buy a rifle or pistol, shot gun etc, I believe the dealer should give you a free membership to the NRA. There are a lot of gun owners who enjoy the right of owning a gun but dont do anything to defend this RIGHT. please join the NRA. signed long time member. LONG live the conservatives
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