Forums - View Single Post - Attention, this kind of crud will give the antis loads to work with.
Old 11-17-2004, 07:43 AM
Giant Nontypical
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Default RE: Attention, this kind of crud will give the antis loads to work with.

I remember a video taken last year or even the year before that was posted on a forum of a hunter who videod himself shooting a doe in the head deliberately and then laughing about it on video .Does anyone remember this vid .I'm not so sure it was on our forum or not . This guy was abowhunter and he was so proud of his shooting abilities ,but jhe never considered once disturbing and offensive this vid would be with bowhunter's across the world .These guy's are not in our class of bowhunter's and definetly don't deserve to be called bowhunter's .
As some have said this pic could be photoshopped and I have to agree that this could possibly be. I have to agree that the arrow should be bent in some way or another if the arrow was there for any period of time . I do believe this pic is a fake ,and anyone responsible should be band from the forum this wa posted.

I truely believe that the folk's on this forum are far above the one's responsible for this pic. And that we shouldn't acknowledge this pic in the slightest degree. Get rid of this pic it just make's my blood boil.

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