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Old 10-16-2004, 11:28 PM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 39
Default Hunting fox at night......

Here's the problem, fellas. Here in PA we can not affix any type of light to our gun to hunt at night. When I call at night, I mainly use my Remington 870 Super Mag. In order for me to see the bead at the end of the barrel, I would tape a small mini-maglight (with red lens) to the barrel and that would illuminate the bead. I would then be able to see the bead at the end of the gun and sighting was no problem. Now that I can't do that, how am I going to see the bead and be able to shoot accurately? I usually call with a partner and they work the light and call and I shoot, or vice versa. If we have those eyes lit up at 30 yards and I pull up to shoot, how am I going to be accurate when I can't see the bead of the shotgun to put it on the eyes? What can I use? How do I do this? I know this sounds like a stupid thing, but help!! Thanks!!
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