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Old 10-05-2004, 03:06 PM
Nontypical Buck
Join Date: Feb 2003
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Default RE: Cabelas Outfitter 1.5 cam bow


I would not say that my Tundra vibrates, if it does, it is only the tiniest amount. When I first got it , it did, especially before the catwhiskers were on the string. Now with a set of Limb Savers, and catwhiskers, plus a Stealth stabilizer, it is very quiet and vibe free.

The Tundra does have a little bit of recoil, and I emphasize, a little bit. It is very similar to the Pro 40 Wheely, or a Pro 38 or 40 I-cam in terms of recoil. Maybe just a bit more than the MQ1 or McPherson 38 Special (I have not shot an Outback or Liberty).There is a little, but very little, and a little recoil does not bother me. I am more concerned about where the arrow goes than whether I feel a very small amount of recoil or not. I know some guys really like the "just sits there" feel. It is just something I don't get too worried about.

BTW, I did get to shoot the Buckmasters 4000 at Cabelas. That bow has the CPS system on it, some have mentioned that it is the CPS that McPherson uses on the Edge, but I don't really know if that is the case. I do know that the profiles are a little different than the Darton Extreme cam(s). The bow I shot had no stabilizer on it, though it does come with Limb Savers. It was very quiet to shoot, and had very little recoil, even without a stabilizer on it. It did have a little vibration in the grip, but again, that is without a stabilizer. I'm guessing you could make that bow whisper quiet and vibe free with a Stealth, or a Sims Modular Stabilizer. While I was there, I also drew the Browning Mirage 1.5. If the IBO claims are legit, that is one smooth-drawing bow for 310 IBO. Again though, didn't get to shoot it.
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