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Old 09-13-2004, 05:56 AM
Typical Buck
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Fort Collins, Colorado
Posts: 586
Default RE: friendly direction

Happened to me last year. In the yearspast i was the only person hunting this farm during archery seasons. There was an older crew who hunted shotgun (lots of drives and crazy shots). Anyway, these guys never scouted. One of them this past season was hunting archery. I couldn't make it opening weekend. I get there the next weekend and a truck is there and someone is in one of my stands (I saw the flashlight going up). So, I hunt a different stand. I talked to him in the morning. I told him I'd been scouting all summer and didn't appreciate him using my stands. He didn't seem to care, it was'nt either of our land. I knew no one hunted the weekdays, so Sunday afternoon I went to all six of my stands and moved the steps. I MADE IT ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO CLIMB UP!!!! This guy was only 5'7" give or take an inch. I'm 6'2". It was difficult for me to get up. Anyway, he stopped using my stands. however he knew i had cameras a such and was more fimilar than he was with the land. Two weeks later I get there and at 4 of my stand locations...he put stands in neighboring trees. I was pissed. Again...what can you do...I don't own the land nor did he. We both had permission. So, I joined forces with him [:@] Made sure we were'nt hunting the same stands over and over and he agreed to that. It worked out in the end, but it still pisses me off that he had the nerve.

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