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Old 03-03-2002, 12:04 PM
red river
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: belair,md,usa
Posts: 15
Default RE: anyone seen 'death on the run'?

You sound a bit like an anti in that you speak about things that you know nothing about. Are you more bothered by the poor little dumbo or the $40,000 someone pays to do be "told" by a guide, when to shoot. Adding to the pro elephant hunting comments already made, I would only like to say that hunting dangeous game is exactly that, dangerous! Until you have done it I suggest you hold open your mind to the possibilty that these animals have earned a reputation over many years. It is no folklore, and the need to wait for instructions from the professional hunter could literally mean the difference between your life and death. As far as the money goes, that $40,000 spent for an elephant does far more for african elephant conservation then you will spend on whiteails in your entire lifetime. It really ticks me off when my fellow deer hunter turns enemy when confronted with hunting outside of his hometown.
A far as Mark Sullivan goes, I have met and spoke with him at lenghth on a few occasions regarding his films and I have read his book. None of the animals in his films were ever intentionally wounded although his follow up is certainly different than most PH's and admittedly so. In most cases and having hunted buffalo I can tell you that there are very few one shot kills and that there is usually a follow up, and yes it is usually close. The buffalo I shot was taken at 60yds perfectly behind the shoulder. When we butchered him, his heart and lungs were virtually liquified by the 400 grain bullet that I used. Well he ran off and when we followed him, he was laying in a thorn patch 20 yard away when he got up. He ran out the other way and 3 more immediate shots finished him, but had he turned right instead of left, he would have been on us in a second. Until you have done it or done extensve reading on the subject I would refrain from making comments that are based on pity for the "defensless" animal rather than fact.
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