Forums - View Single Post - how much do you value your rights? ¤READ¤
Old 05-31-2004, 12:46 PM
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 52
Default RE: how much do you value your rights? ¤READ¤

You believe that violence is OK.... in furtherance of your "rights" - even though this issue does not rise to the level of a threat to your life or liberty ? I don't want anyone's gun taken away, either (or anyone's rights destroyed, for that matter).... as long as they are responsible, law-abiding citizens. I am sure that you are as such. The problem is, that, when even responsible people express extreme opinions... (such as your previous statement).... others get the very strong impression that you might be an extremist. Then, they wonder if you would bomb a building, or commit any other violent (terrorist) attack - in furtherance of your views. That "impression", whether true or not, simply fuels the fire.... and gives those who would destroy your rights more
"ammunition" (for want of a better term) to use against ALL of us.
NO ONE has ANY right to use violence against another - if that person is not under direct threat of violence (or actual violent attack) themselves. IF you, sir, believe otherwise, then I regret to say that you ARE an extremist - little better than the very criminals against which you seek to defend yourself. If we all were to adopt this attitude, where would it end ? Would it then become OK to kill anyone, just because they didn't agree with your views ?? Would you really want your children to grow up in such a world ??
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