Forums - View Single Post - Newbie witha bow need advice on sights!
Old 02-28-2004, 05:02 PM
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 36
Default Newbie witha bow need advice on sights!

I am just beginning into archery my setup is xtec set at 68lb, WB rest, matrix 3 pin, shooting a 26in GT xt arrow, draw length 27in.
I have been practicing indoors in my barn and moved the to 15yds and have been doing pretty decent with it shooting 2 -3 in groups, enough to start ripping up fletchings once in a while and yes I get the occasional flyer off by 4 inches. Anyway I just got back in setting my sight pins at 15yd, 25 and 35 yds. I am strictly hunting and I have to tell you I dont really feel comfortable at 35yds although at every position I am shooting inside 6in groups? But know what do I go to the 15yd pin and practice and set mess with my sight till I am shooting even better then back up to the 25 yd pin and do the same.
Iguess what I am getting at do I need to practice at further distances even though I wont be hunting that far, or do I prctice like he!! at 15 then 25 and so on?
What r most of your hunting pins set at? And when do you feel you have it down when you hit x mark every time or what is good enough? Please dont take out of context I am not trying to take the easy way out just wondering what all the hunters do?
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