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Old 12-21-2003, 05:27 AM
Typical Buck
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Default Elk Hunting Info.

I'm new to this forum and I'm going to be new to Elk Hunting so maybe I'm missing something.

A few weeks back I posted a question asking if anyone could help me find a good place to hunt elk on public land, Nat'l Forest, etc in Colorado. I got one answer and that was from I believe, Elkmaster. He didn't provide much info, but told me that it was more or less doubtful anyone was going to disclose their hunt site. I didn't want or ask for anyone to tell me which stump or rock to sit by to kill an elk, just thought fellow hunters could get me in a good general area.

I also sent T.R. an email requesting info on the same. He more or less informed me of my odds on killing an elk because of my lack of experience.

It seems to me that the people on this board have a few agendas', one is they are more interested in bragging than helping, and they jump on someone for making a comment about not wanting alcohol on the camp.

I guess we're different in this part of the country, I try to help when I can, I ask no favors, but I'm a sportsman, and I occasionally take a drink at home and on my camps. If a person dosen't want alcohol in his camp thats' his right. I was raised hunting and fishing with camps during both activities. I was taught that a camp is the same as your home, you don't go into someones' camp and try to change things or impose in anyway, a camp to me is the same as my home or yours.

As for as chances of killing an elk, it's not the killing, but the doing. So to make it a little shorter, thanks for nothing, but remember, me and my son's will be out there in 2004 trying, so move over.
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