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Old 10-05-2018, 05:06 AM
RabidSniper308's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 58

My take on this is definitely on the extreme end of the spectrum but I like to have a connection to the animals I take, particularly whitetail bucks. When I look at the deer on my wall, every one of them brings back wild emotions of the chase and many unproductive days spent afield waiting on the opportunity. The cat and mouse game of trying to outsmart the animal is what gives me the biggest rush, when it all comes together its that much more special. I just cannot fathom how one could have this sense of accomplishment and pride in something raised behind high fence and I personally wouldn't even want to hunt whitetail with a guide or over bait. Solving the puzzle of the deer is half the challenge so having a guide to me is essentially someone doing the leg work and solving the puzzle where all I have to do is show up, sit in the assigned spot and wait to pull the trigger. Of course thats just my take.
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