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Old 12-07-2017, 07:43 AM
Fork Horn
archeryrob's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: Western Maryland
Posts: 195

Before making jerky you need to read up on the "grain" of the muscle and which direction it runs. Look at you bicep and the grain runs the length of it, so to slice a muscle like it, you slice across it. If you slice length wise you could loosen teeth trying to bit it apart. Texture can make or ruin the jerky depending on how you slice it. The direction a muscle contracts is the direction the grain runs. You can see it when cutting it you look, just like wood fibers. long strands or little circular bits. All your steaks cut my butchers are across the grain as it is easier to eat.

If making your own recipe and marinating it, if the meat is an old one, like a big buck, make sure it has cider vinegar in some percentage. This help break down the tissue to make it easier to eat.

I have always preferred making my own recipes or differing to the wife.

Used on 3 or 4 pounds maybe, adjust to your liking.
1/3 cup sugar 1/4 cup salt
2 cups soy sauce 1 cup water
1 cup red wine 1/2 tsp. onion powder
1/2 tsp.pepper 1/2 tsp.garlic powder
1/2 tsp. tabasco sauce

Its it a young one and eat a good diet, just put some rub on it and dehydrate.

Last edited by archeryrob; 12-07-2017 at 07:45 AM.
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