Forums - View Single Post - How far do crossbow/compound bows shoot?
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Old 09-30-2015, 05:19 AM
Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: Centerville, TN
Posts: 39

Originally Posted by Oldtimr
How far they shoot, and how far can you be reasonably sure of making a good shot are two entirely things. They will shoot a whole lot further than than anyone should be shooting at a deer. Here is the answer you your question. If the distance is further than the distance you have practices at and are confident of a killing shot, don't shoot.
OK, I'm looking for how far would you shoot a deer at with either one.
Since I don't have a crossbow but am hoping to get one soon I am wanting to know how far you would shoot a deer with a crossbow/compound bow just to see what kind of deer range each one has.
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