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Old 11-16-2013, 07:37 PM
duckkillerclyde's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: Pacific Wonderland
Posts: 22

Ducks taste like beef liver and turds.

Dabbler hunters, aka park duck hunters are not real duck hunters. They will try and tell you that teal fly fast when everyone knows that divers are MUCH quicker.

Mallard hunters will tell you that it's hard to get a flock of 40 green heads to come in....I tell them that it's even harder to get a flock of 400 scaup to come in. 80 eyes or 800 eyes looking at you??

Uneducated duck hunters will shoot an eclipse drake mallard and think it's some type of hybrid/hermaphrodite's not, it's just still in the eclipse stage.

Uneducated duck hunters will tell you that mergansers are not ducks. They are ducks. They are just as much of a duck as a mallard or can.

Uneducated duck hunters will tell you that coot are waterfowl. They are not. They are a member of the rail family.

Uneducated duck hunters will put the letter "D" when spelling wigeon. There is no letter D in wigeon when spelled in English. Wigeon rhymes with pigeon and there is no D in pigeon. Also all the dictionaries and DU and Delta and decoy companies spell it WIGEON.

You now know everything you need to learn about duck hunting.
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