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Old 05-08-2013, 03:00 PM
GirlsHunt2's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Tennessee
Posts: 18

Wow guys, bird #3 for this Tennessee girl! What an EXCITING morning!!!

I left the house on my 4 wheeler around 6am this morning, it was hard to get up (I almost didn't) I was so tired! I got to the highest point and parked. I sat and listened... No gobbles. I decided to try for that big Gobbler I've been after so I got off the four wheeler and headed into the woods. I sat down in the exact spot I was when I killed my Jake bird and made a series of soft yelps with my slate call. Immediately two birds HAMMERED just down the ridge from me, I'd say 75yds or so. I repositioned myself toward the way I thought they would travel, by this time it was probably around 630. I made another set of soft yelps with a pause and then started soft and added a short cackles and then toned it back down. Both birds double hammered and I knew they were interested! I waited a few more minutes and started cutting with a few purrs here and there, again they both double hammered and they were closer. A few more sets of cutts, purrs, and soft yelps and I knew they were ready to be within sight and killing range. I put down my call and got my gun ready. It wasn't a minute (felt like forever!) before I saw the first bird. He was 35 yds but he knew something was up a putted twice so I immediately sighted on his head and pulled the trigger. To my surprise... He flew away...the shells I am using were given to me and I'm not sure how old they are but apparently that one was a dud because the first one I used killed my Jake bird. The other gobbler putted all the way down the ridge so I tried an excited cackle to try and make him think the hen was still there. Again, to my surprise, he gobbled at me! LONG story short, I worked and worked that bird but he was just too spooked to come within range. I snuck down behind a row of laurels and waited for about 30 minutes and spotted another gobbler making his way towards the field. It was probably around 930 at this point. I took the long way around and positioned myself at the corner of the field. I heard something and looked to my right and there were two Gobblers beating the daylight out of each other, man what a sight! I made some soft yelps and one gobbler chased the other off and headed straight for me, gobbling every breath! He got quiet around 40yds away I lost sight of him and then heard the dreaded putt to my left in the field. He had snuck up on me. So yet again I made the excited cackles (that's what I call em) and he hammered every time. Another surprising thing happened... He started coming back. This time I knew where to look and had my gun ready. He started putting before I could even see him but he still popped into view and turned to leave but that's when I put my sights on his head and lowered the boom! He dropped and my heart exploded! I ran to him and after he was done flopping started to check him out. He was the one I have been after! It was a LONG, STEEP walk back to the 4wheeler but I finally made it home. I measured his beard and its 11" long! His spurs were kinda short though, only 3/4" and he weighed 20#. I think I'm REALLY hooked on turkey hunting after this morning, the other 2 Gobblers were STILL gobbling when I left! Too bad we're only allowed 1 per day lol! My first Turkey Season is going WONDERFUL! Only 1 more tag left and season ends Sunday, but I'm tickled even if I don't get anymore

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