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Old 11-28-2012, 08:22 AM
Typical Buck
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Virginia
Posts: 542

Originally Posted by Jim Burns
When a hound is in pursuit, he doesnt know property barriers. That is why it is leagle to go on private land to retreive your hound. As far as being able to control your dog, you obviously have never hunted with hounds. There is not a person alive that can keep up with a hound when it is in persuit of a bear or any other quarry. Like I stated before, if someone was to shoot one of my dogs I would shoot the individual that done it. I am a old man and am not affraid of spending the rest of my life in jail, at least I would feel at peace for knowing the perp who shot my dog was also taking a dirt nap. I have some bear dogs that are worth over $10,000 and all wear a Garmin GPS system, if anyone shoots them on there property I will know, I will know the minute the dog quits moving and know his exact where abouts, within 1 foot. The perp would be easily caught, especially if it is on private land. If the collar gets turned off the hand held unit will still show his last position, so go right ahead! A hound hunter buys a license just like you and also a hound permit and has just as much a right in the woods as anyone else!!! Not to mention a pack of 5-6 dogs that cost anywhere from $2500-$10,000, so if you shoot one expect serious repercusions, and I am not talking about from the law either.
I hate to get involved here, but I guess I will put in my 2 cents. It is people like you that make people want to shoot dogs. It appears from this thread, that dog hunters feel they have a God given right to hunt their dogs anywhere they want. You think your expensive dogs trumps someone else's much more expensive land or lease? You
don't care that their hunt is ruined as long as yours is not? How do you justify that to yourself?
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