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Old 01-29-2002, 03:38 PM
Matt / PA
Giant Nontypical
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Default RE: Shot placement on animal A - a detailed look

20 feet up a tree?.......This picture does you no good whatsoever.
This is a near eye level shot.....if you are 20 feet up and this close you have all sorts of crazy variables and angles to think about, not to mention that big fatty rack getting in the way!
If you are shooting down from that height, the shoulder blade now protects a lot more vital than this picture shows.....the lower green dots no longer become shot options. The only one that seems to still be a viable option is the green dot tucked into the "V" at the base of the shoulder blade where the leg then angles backwards.....and that's a pretty small target.
You actually did a pretty good job of showing the location of just looks a whole lot different from that high up.
There's just too much bad stuff to potentially hit with that shot.......It CAN be done;spine,tuck one in behind the shoulder, but that's about it unless you get lucky and catch a major blood vessel along the spine.
If that truly was the only opportunity, it would just about send me into a mental hospital but I'd have to pass.......Believe me I'd be thinking about it though.

But in reality.....if this was your only chance you wouldn't know it until it was too late. Basically the decision to pass wouldn't even have to be made, because I probably wouldn't even have the bow drawn yet!
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