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Thread: DANG IT!!!
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Old 10-26-2003, 05:51 PM
Typical Buck
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Carroll Ohio USA
Posts: 812
Default DANG IT!!!

I was in my stand tonight. Let me explain a bit about this spot. It is in a fence row between 2 corn fields both uncut. There is always a rub/scrape line on both sides of this fence and I am in the only tree that you could wedge a stand in. There is corn all knocked down on both sides and deer could come from almost anywhere but they have to follow the fence to get anywhere else. PERFECT!
I have hunted it a few times but havent seen one lousy deer out of it. Did I mention I dont need to drive to get there, its about 1/4 of a mile off of my back porch.
I got there yesterday to find that over the 6 days I havent been there, 12 rubs have showed up within shooting distance of my tree have poped up along with 2 scrapes on down in the corner of the field. I am pumped! I hunted it that morning and didnt see a deer. Had a bonfire to attend that evening so I was out late for that so I forgot to set my alarm and overslept this morning[:@] So I went to church instead.
This evening I got out there and was sitting high by 5:00. About 5:15 I can hear something on down toward the corner of my left, the direction I walked in on but it sounds like its on the other side of the fence. I can hear it for about 30min. milling around or something. He only has about 50yds to play in till I can see so I dont know if he was bedded down and just was adjusting or what. All the sudden I hear it and then I see a rack moving toward me from behind me from where the noise was. I am facing north and he will pass behind me, the south.
When I see him he is about 40yds. I manage to turn around manuver my bow around the tree that is beside me on the left and clip on. He gets about 4 steps from my shooting lane and I draw while his head is down. He stops in his tracks. 3 steps from my lane, Im at full draw. DANG IT, he musta heard my draw. He looks around LOOKS UP AT ME, then away and around again and sencing something aint right, he gets out of there tail down and not blowing. I dont see anouther thing.
So he was 5yds from the base of my tree and Im at full draw and he only needs to take 3 STEPS!!!!!!!!!!!!
I dont know how big he was. I havent killed anything with my bow yet so I saw a racked buck and was gonna shoot. He was 1 1/2 or 2 1/2 year old, that would be my guess.
Sorry for the long post. I was shaking so bad and my knees were knockin Im happy that I saw one, agrovated that I didnt over 3 measily steps.
O well, I had fun
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