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Old 08-23-2012, 05:40 AM
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Rhode Island
Posts: 54

Originally Posted by JagMagMan
SpawnedX, you have said that you don't really like obumma. Yet, all you do is defend him! I don't get it! Everyone knows that ANY third party vote IS a vote for obumma! Even NOT voting is a vote for obumma! So why waste your time and gas to throw away a vote to obumma or to make a "third party statement?"
Because there is more things to vote on than just the President. I don't support Obama, I also don't support conspiracy theory. I don't support fear mongering, on either side, and I don't support red herring philosphies.

You are a new hunter, November is hunting season, go enjoy it while you still can!
I will. Just like I will next November, and the November after that.

BTW, to say you are not just trolling, all the posts you've made are to this thread except 2! You also talk big on guns and bullets, but you are all for MORE gun laws!
The only gun laws I am for are the very same ones I have to abide by already in my state. The argument that you are trying to propose is that these laws make it more difficult to obtain guns, and I am asking someone to explain HOW. If you cannot explain your own stance, why should anyone who might only be slightly right of center, like as me, support you? I hate to break it to you, but extreme left and extreme right cannot accomplish anything without getting moderates on board.

You've contradicted yourself several times! If you truely are somewhat consevative or 3rd. Party, why do you expound the virtues of obumma so much?
It seems like to me, all you really are saying is "well can't get away with tossing out these BS theories so let's change the attack plan to the person who took the time to review facts." Rather than actually giving legitimate arguments and issues and why you feel the right is just so much more logical than the left, you have people that are still talking about the stupid birther theories 4 years later after every independent news source and fact checking agency has told you, you are wrong.

This is what is wrong with America. You are what is wrong with America. You cannot engage the issues, you would rather spend more time tearing down the other side and discussing crackpot theories than coming up with a solution or tackle the tough issues.

Things I believe in:

- Illegal immigration and Obama's open door policy with them needs to end and end soon. I find it is hilarious (and disgusting) that there are people in this country, people who are being fleeced by our own government and their inability to enforce our own laws, who attack the leaders of states that are trying to protect US citizens, their jobs, their educational opportunities, their homes by tackling the giant elephant in the room known as ILLEGAL immigration. It's not racist to kick someone who came into your country ILLEGALLY out.

How does that expound Obama's virtues? Or is it just so upsetting to you that people are getting really sick of the nonsense the extreme right are spouting?

- Gay marriage. I am a Christian. I also could care less if gay individuals could get married under man's law. Why? Because God went through great detail to explain to you that His law and man's law are not the same, that man's law is a temporary but necessary evil in the grand scope of things. So what if these people get a piece of paper from some courthouse somewhere that says they are married? Doesn't change the fact that they will have to answer before God for their actions.

Oh no...look at that, I hold a left of center view on something, while holding an ultra-conservative view on another. That's called independent thought.

- Abortion. In most cases I am opposed to it. However, if a woman was raped I do not think anyone should force her to live with that reminder. Otherwise, abortion because you didn't use a rubber is dispicable. People need to grow up and accept responsibility for their actions and not kill a new life out of their own selfish wants.

Oh crap, he is back on the right side of center with this one.

- Worldview and colonialism. I personally am sick of seeing my friends go off to foreign wars to protect people that hate us and will hate us when we leave. Heck Karzai hates us while we are there. I don't want to be the world police anymore. I want to just let that portion of the world blow itself to high hell while we stop giving our tax money to countries that sit there and berate our government and citizens.

That makes me anti-colonial by the definition of the word, but it also makes me anti-apologist. What does it all mean? It means I have come to my own conclusion on things and not a parties ideology.


And then you flip-flop again to how bad it will be after he is re-elected! So bad, "that you will need all your guns and bullets!"
This is a dumb statement. I clearly have demonstrated that I think it will be bad no matter who gets elected.

Being a smart, rational, Patriot, you should know that if we take care of our Constitution, we might not have to face a civil war! Thats a no-win situation that no one wants!
Democrats and Republicans both trample on our constitution. It just so happens that the only one you care about is the "Gee, golly they want muh guns! I mustn't let dem dere take my guns!"

I too support the 2nd ammendment, otherwise I wouldn't have owned a gun since I first turned 21 and obtained my permit to carry when doing tasks related to my business. However, I am not Chicken Little and can determine the difference between the fact that Obama will not take our guns but will try to limit our freedoms with them. Assault Weapon Ban? No way, don't support it. Registering guns? Already have to do it and despite populare belief getting guns hasn't been difficult for me.

There is absolutely no wisdom in allowing obumma 4 more years to wreck America and distroy the Constitution! obumma is the most unqualified president in American history! At least Carter ran a peanut farm before being president!
There is absolute no wisdom in voting for a guy who you disagree with equally as much as the other, and you believe will damage the country equally as much as the other. That's stupid.

Lets see obumma's credentials:
I predicted before even reading the list that you would travel down the conspiracy path and you proved me right.

Learned everything he believes in from radical, socialist, and Muslim thugs.
Some of his views are disturbing. I don't necessarily believe that this man is completely incapable of formulating some of his own stances and that he just believes everything that was told to him.

Will not release any of his records, but demands the Romney release his tax record.
Has released plenty of records, including his own tax records, which makes your statement false from the get-go. However, the records you are clamoring for, no other Presidents released either. In fact Bush was more vehemently opposed to releasing his school records than Obama, and neither of them released them, but I guess anything that happened before 2008 is too difficult for you to remember?

No business experience.
And it's not required to be President. So this is where someone makes up their mind on if they want someone with business experience or not. As a small business owner, who would be completely unaffected by any of his tax changes, I still didn't vote for him on almost this entire reason alone.

No military experience.
So? This once again is something that matters to each person, left or right, differently. It's once again, not a requirement to be President.

He was a rookie Senator.
Okay? Just another thing that one should use to formulate their own personal opinion and realize it is not a requirement to have been a Senator for 3 decades to be President.

Whipped right past a "shoe-in-president" Hillary Clinton. (That was pretty fishy! He basically popped out of thin air! And to think, conservatives feared what she would do to the Constitution!)
The poll numbers are a matter of public record, here you go creeping down the path of conspiracy theory again. He had more support, which means he was the most likely to secure a Democratic Presidency and therefore he got the nomination. It's a no brainer.

What has he done since being elected?.......:
I cannot contain my joy.

First, he went on a world tour. Apologizing for everything that America has ever done.
Well, minus the whole fact that he has actually never issued an apology, his perceived sentiment does make me ill.

Bowed down to foreign officials, yet he is arrogant and rude to Americans.
Obama has never been rude to me, so your statement is basically bullocks. I don't know if he bowed down to foreign officials, but he has definitely not taken a strong enough approach with them, again something that makes me angry.

Replaced Christian White House meetings with Muslim worship services!
There's the good little conspiracy theorist I knew was just itching to come out of you.

I mean now you are just believing internet meme's, something even more laughable than spouting chain email rhetoric.

Weak on national defense.
I think you are just copying and pasting now. I am going to prove that by asking you to expand on this point so I actually can engage it as an issue, one in which I side slightly more towards his national defense policy isn't the greatest, but certainly not the worst.

Fired up the printing presses to the point that you can wipe your arse with the dollar!
Reagan raised it 18 times, Bush 7 times. Thanks for proving my point that both sides are equally as damaging.

DID NOT follow through on any of his promises except "obumma Care!"
A little insignificant thing called facts, disagrees:

And just to prove that I am not supporting him, here is the one's he broke:

What he will do with 4 more years:
I don't know, I haven't been given my crystal ball yet.

Will work to get his socialist adgenda pushed forward without any worry of re-election!
And apparently Congress stopped existing in this whole law making process.

More Executive Orders.
We can say that about each and every President who is elected, but okay.

More Czar appointments to non-existant positions.
Nothing to say here, he did it.

Possibly worst of all, obumma could shape the Supreme Court for decades!
So could Romney. This is fear mongering. Both sides fear the other equally here.

While Romney may not be the strongest conservative, he is NOT "just the lesser of two evils!" He is far more qualified than obumma!
Massachussetts disagrees with you, but they couldn't possibly have any experience with Romney.
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