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Thread: Your Opinion???
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Old 01-13-2012, 07:30 AM
Nontypical Buck
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 1,925

You know when I started hunting all I had was a bow, aluminum arrows, and a board nailed into a tree for a stand.Think the bow was a old rond wheel Bear of some sort.The whole set up including lumber for the stands probably wasnt worth 150$.And I killed a lotta deer that way for a long time.

Now it seems like I need 1200$ worth of gear just to walk out the door.But the stands I use now are safer, quieter, and easier to set up, much more portable, and definately more comfortable.I can spend moe time in the field because of these reasons.

My new bow and carbon arrows, and expandable broadheads with all the accessories shoots better, faster, and quieter than anything Ive owned in the past.

Spring till fall is my busy season and Im gone for months on end, I dont have time for scouting and sometimes its a month into season before I ever get to go hunting.But when I do get home if I wanna check out an area I can go out and hang a game camera, it will still be there doing the scouting for me even if I dont get back to check it for a month and a half.

I could go on but honestly in 30 years of deer hunting i have seen all kinds of gizmos and gadgets hit the market, most of em fail and simply dissapear.The ones that last are practical, and usefull.I dont see something that only gives you a 27 yrd warning falling into that catagory but people will buy dumb crap and they will probably make some money for a year or so, then theyll either be forced to improve it or it will dissapear like so many other things have, ultimately the market will decide if its usefull.
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