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Old 02-25-2011, 06:03 AM
Father Forkhorn
Nontypical Buck
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: NE Kansas
Posts: 1,101

From mortal care:

A better way to ruin hunting is failure.I would never take a kid on a hunt i thought he wouldnt get anything on.My bro hates hunting because his first few hunts were deer bow hunts and now he thinks hunting is boring

From WNYhunter:
Moral of the story, some want to hunt and some don't. but don't think you have to give a kid success.

You want to ruin hunting? one way is to teach new hunters that failure is not an option.
I was the original poster and these two positions are quite correctly pointing out things that can go wrong. What we want to do is give the youngster a reasonable challenge--Put them in a situation that demands hunter skills, but also gives them a chance to succeed, even with a mistake or two.

Even if they gut shot a yearling and it took a while to track it, they still did a lot of things right and we want to acknowledge that. If an experienced hunter they respect is proud and happy for them, it goes a long way, and so much the better if he can gently show them ways to improve.
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