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Old 11-26-2010, 09:42 AM
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 64

Originally Posted by bluebird2
The relationship of Alt and Eveland over 30 years ago is irrelevant. Let's see if you can refute the facts he presented regarding those that were behind the new DMP and the drive for extreme herd reduction. All of that information has been documented over the last 10 years and you can't provide anything to refute it.
This is typical of the replies I've seen on PA websites from people who try to promote these homemade videos as legitimate. I can't tell you how many posts I've read of hunters trying to find out who this Eveland guy is and no one seems to know of him. Not even people he claims to have worked for and with. He's not cited in any research. All he is known for is submitting a bid to do the audit and he didn't get that. Some say sour grapes and it really looks that way, from this sportsmans eyes.
So If the guy is spinning tales about his background, logic would dictate that his video claims are home spun as well. Especially after his claims have been debunked many times over the years. Some claims are very outlandish! He just seems to be recycling conspiracies. I guess that's why those videos fizzled out pretty quick.
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