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Old 07-06-2010, 06:18 AM
Nontypical Buck
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Originally Posted by robbcayman

In law enforcement they say aim at center mass, because it's the biggest target. I follow the same logic and aim for the middle of the lungs.
blackelk already touched on it, but having a large target isn't as nice as one would think.

Having several boxes of 3-D archery trophies, I can tell you now that I'd have much less of them if I didn't have a small aiming reference to aim at. Whether it be a crease on the target, a shadow line or another person's arrow, they all helped me where to aim at. The same goes for a deer. While often it's hard to pick a small aiming reference on a larger target like a live deer, practicing and concentrating at hitting a small spot will ensure more accurate hits, instead of just aiming at "center mass". During crunch time it's also better to have your mind focused on something to help ease the adrenaline, ie, buck fever!

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