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Old 09-18-2003, 12:21 AM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Juneau Alaska USA
Posts: 157
Default RE: Alaska Thread

Juno grl - Hey, neighbor - I didn' t know you were layed up following an operation! I guess I have to get on here more often to find out what' s happened just a couple of doors down! I am still nursing a couple of pretty stiff and sore wrists myself from getting each carpal tunnel operated on and " released" in the last couple of weeks. After having numb, wooden hands for the past couple of years, it is quite a change to actually be able to feel things once again! Best wishes for speedy recovery. If you need anything, don' t be bashful - just let us know.

ABM - Too bad about the Safety Course. Unfortunately, the boorish actions of this brand of highly-visible idiots is exactly the type of behavior a lot of antis associate with ALL hunters. People like this don' t make our P-R situation any easier! Anyway, welcome back north - SEAK probably has all the game and fowl up there scattered from Hell to breakfast! LOL And while we are on the subject of fowl, I had a flock of about 25 honkers land beside my boat this evening while I was out trolling for cohos on the Breadline, near Tee Harbor. they didn' t stick around for long, but it was fun to see them up close for a few moments!
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