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Old 09-13-2003, 06:39 PM
Nontypical Buck
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Fairbanks, Alaska
Posts: 1,665
Default RE: Alaska Thread

Ouch, give our best to your mom. I' ve heard about nicknames in your family, they don' t go away for a looooong time! Guess your mom will have a new one to get used to.

I feel thoroughly dumber today. I just finished the Nevada' s hunter education program. Wow, and I thought the Alaskan education programs were lax. This was pathetic. A family of 4 volunteering to hold the class, and between tossing cigarette butts on the ground during simulated hunts... [:@]... throwing stuff around in the class room, drawing back an old compound with an arrow nocked in a class room and pointing it at the door, pointing laser sited guns all over the room, inluding occasionally through a students body, not being able to answer simple questions like, " are mechanical broadheads legal in Nevada" and " are handguns allowed while muzzleloader hunting" and worse of all teaching the class with profanity when there are several young kids there. I' m not impressed in the least. I spoke up a few times in the first half of the class, but just bit my tongue to get the heck out of there after lunch. The " family" would joke around between themselves leaving us sitting there for minutes on end a few times every hour. It got pretty old. I felt it was more of a family reuniun than anything, but worst of all these kids got a pretty bad introduction into hunting and safety. The video on field dressing an elk was pretty bad too. " yea, we shot this elk in the head so there' s not a lot of blood inside the body cavity" Great idea kids, shoot em in the head! [:' (]

Anyway, enough ranting... I' m done, I got my card, I' m considered a safe and ethical hunter now.[][>:][][8D][8D][8D]

I' ll hopefully see SEAK on the run when I get up to Prudhoe on Tuesday. He' ll be going and I' ll be coming. Sounds like he ended up with a total of 7 geese, not bad! Hopefully next year our shifts will match up a little better and we' ll get some more hunting in together.

Got to rest the brain now, I think I mashed parts of it trying to understand what the heck those instructors were talking about.
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