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Old 09-10-2003, 08:43 AM
Nontypical Buck
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Calif
Posts: 1,894
Default RE: targeting all longbeards

Maus,I do agree with WANTF here about the hens and have on many occasion avoided taking a jake to be satisfied with a hen as a direct result of the hen to gobbler ratio.But with that said here' s a couple of things I' ve found to help in bringing home a fall locate a good food and water source.the biggest problem with fall longbeards is locating them.Fall flocks of young birds with brood hens can consist of very large flocks,I' ve seen them 150 strong before so consequently they leave an incredible amount of sign.Mature gobbler flocks are on the average much smaller sometimes only 2 to 3 birds and leave obviously far less sign.But with that said they still eat and drink and will take whatever is easy and often times will mingle with the younger birds in concentrated food and water sites.2.often times they will roost with the younger birds or close thereby.Find where they pitch out and hit the ground.This may take a few mornings to figure out but its posibble if your patient and able to sit still.3.make sure you look over a young flock good.I' ve killed some dandy longbeards that did hang with the younger birds.It may not be the norm but often times I do believe by their consistent daily patterns in using the same feeding and watering sites they at times will hang together.I' ve had much better luck in this type of situation calling them back together than breaking up a flock of nothing but longbeards.Hope this helps ya some!!Take care and good luck...Bob..
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