Forums - View Single Post - What happened to "hunting is murder" post?
Old 12-05-2009, 10:52 PM
DryForkSlayer's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Dry Fork
Posts: 51

Originally Posted by iSnipe
Corn bread,

I have far more experience with forums than you'll ever know.

I KNEW the thread was going to be axed anyway. I saw the post when it went up. Posts like that NEVER...and I mean NEVER last.

So, you could have typed 'til you couldn't feel your fingers anymore and you would wasted your time. Just like I said people would. The post didn't last long, so no matter what was written... or going to be written wouldn't have mattered since the post was axed right away.

Fact is fact and that's a fact.

I really don't agree with these statements. Saying that what may have been written regarding this subject matter wouldn't have mattered. Are you serious? So I guess it doesn't matter whether we try to fight or debate any of what people like that are saying at all about something we love and care for so much?! I guess there is no reason to bring it up in any legislation or political fronts either since there is a chance that something we state,suggest,debate,or mention may be axed?! Ok, you go right ahead and take that route snipe but, as for me, I'm going to try my best in whatever form it may be to keep something I love doing and that supports my family with food every year. I realize this may "just be a forum" but, when it comes to things like this, I feel like we should all be backing and standing up for each other on the matter. No matter what level it's on, even if it's just some little internet forum where the post is going to be axed anyway! With the way the nation and things are changing now days, I beleive we need to make every effort when the chance presents itself both to represent what all of this means to us and to fight for our rights. I for one would like to keep all of mine! Just my .02 on something that doesn't seem to matter to some since it's just on a forum where it might get axed!
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