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Old 11-29-2009, 07:36 PM
Typical Buck
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Heaven, WI
Posts: 600

This is one of the most asinine posts I have seen
We understand that some people are meat hunters and also understand some people are trophy hunters as well...But, proper deer management in any area would raise the deer population as well as raise the quality of the deer on said property. So, if people would let the small one's go by for a year or two, they would more than likely be larger the following years... If you "meat hunt", shoot a doe is our answer...
Here's a thought, you and your fiance shoot all the does you see, buy as many bonus permits as you can, and fill your freezers full of doe meat until you see that elusive buck with 3 points on one side. Do this for 3 or 4 years, and let me know just how many deer you have running around your little 13 acres.

We shot 4 deer out of 11 guys at our camp this year, all 1.5 years old, 3 spikes and a 6. We didnt see any other deer. There are still quality bucks up there; I saw a nice 8 point while bow hunting this fall, but didnt get a shot. Deer hunting isn't all about putting big bucks on the wall, we had a hell of a time at camp, told lots of stories and had a blast reminiscing and spending time with good guys. Tell ya what, there's thousands of acres of unhunted public land around where I hunt, next year you and your fianci come on over to WI and give it a go, I'd normally extend an invitation to stop by our camp but you don't sound like our kind of people, so bring a camper and a book, cuz the deer are few and far between, oh and there are no doe tags available, so if you want some good doe meat you'll hafta try and find a fresh road kill on the way up.
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