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Old 08-28-2003, 08:51 PM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Port Hope Ontario Canada
Posts: 493
Default RE: Crossbow Users...

See now you prove my point. I have heard and even had to help recover deer that were shot by ignorant people who believed the 100 yard stories and still can walk into Gagnon`s or Quinte Sports tomorrow and hear the stories about the 65 yard shot that someone made last year. That was the whole point that I tried to express. When someone picks up a crossbow they must learn to bowhunt, it is not a rifle or even a shotgun. Distances are significantly shortened and even little twigs matter. Most (not all) compound and traditional shooters know this but the level of ignorance and misinformation that I hear and any honest person who has spent anytime around other hunters also hears about crossbows boggles my mind. To say that it doesn`t happen does a far greater disservice to hunting than expressing the opinion that it needs to be fixed. Maybe a mandatory bowhunting course, better yet set-up and make everyone qualify with their weapon of choice(lots of rifle hunters would be in trouble). I will one last time repeat that I have nothing against crossbows, I have a bone to pick with the jerks that head into the woods looking to " Stick one" an actual quote from a man hunting moose in Northern Ontario. Seems he had stuck a few but never managed to kill one yet, that crap makes me want to kick the s--- out of someone.
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