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Old 10-20-2009, 04:41 AM
Spring tom
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 86
Default smokin'

When you light the smokin stick- it's just like a cigar- get it ignited and let it burn for about 10 seconds.

Once you see some white, blow out the flame and you'll see it smolder. Blow on the smoldering "cigar" and it will brighten, but not reignite. Now it will only smolder.

If you leave it flaming it will burn out too quickly.

I brought a doe in with a curiosity smoking stick this weekend. She would of tasted good, but the limb I center punched didn't taste too good.

I have had great success with the curiosity. I haven't had success with the rut stick. Before Tink's carried these I bought them from the inventor- he had an A & B pack--- you couldn't beat that combo. I literally shot bucks with their head on the bucket.

Don't use these without the bucket- first they will smolder too quickly, second there is a possibility of a fire. That would ruin your hunt.
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