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Old 08-05-2003, 09:10 AM
Typical Buck
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Ontario Canada
Posts: 604
Default RE: Crossbow Users...

Turk does make a legitimate point, that being a lot of xbows were bought by hunters that were not interested in learning the sport of archery, just wanted to get into the extra long deer season
Lazyarcher do you think that taking the choice of the crossbows away from these people that it will keep them out of the woods. Your wrong if you do think that way. I used to see this happen all the time when the archery first started in Ontario. People just bought a bow (usually a compound) and then went out hunting within the week. This was usually after the gun season which they were not successful in and still needed to fill their tags.

I have also talked to people in States that do not allow crossbows as a choice for a hunting tool, and they tell me that they have people that still do the same thing there. Those people are not restricted to the crossbows, but have the choice to any bow.

You are right in saying that archery is different, but weither you use a longbow, recurve, compound or crossbows it does not change archery other then your choice of hunting tool.

Grumpy Tom; Have you ever slapped a branch with a crossbow when you fire. It isn' t pretty when you' re in a tree stand.

Dan O.
Dan no I have not, but I have seen a shoulder from someone that has. Your right it was not pretty. Having your limb strike a solid branch can seriously hurt the shooter. This is a large problem in setups for the crossbows (the need for horizontal shooting space) which vertical bows do not have.
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