Forums - View Single Post - Weirdest thing you've had happen to you in the woods?
Old 04-06-2009, 06:49 AM
Nontypical Buck
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Oregon
Posts: 1,570
Default RE: Weirdest thing you've had happen to you in the woods?

ORIGINAL: mahoningbuck

ORIGINAL: Windwalker7

Were these your encounters or were you just looking around? I will get to my UFO and ghost sightings.

UFO......OK the summer of 1997 three of my friends and I were heading out about 830 pm. I jumped in the back seat behind the driver and my other two buddies were in the front and back seat also. As we were backing out of my drive way I was looking to the northwest and I spotted this thing in the sky moving back and forth. As we pull out and put the car in drive we go about 300 feet and this object was over a set of trees. We stopped the car and got out. My street at that time was not a busy street so it was not uncommon for us to get out and watch. This object was a huge sphere shaped object that had a bright light quality to it. As it hovered over the trees we watched. It would pull this trick like.....poof I am gone and then just reappear. It did not move like regular aircraft. It would just go where it wanted to go but not like some type of propulsion. This went on for about ten minutes then all of a sudden it shot straight up into the sky towards the stars and it was gone. My three friends and I speak of this story and no one ever believes us.

The mother and father had gotten divorced in 1992 and my mother had remarried. She was living in a house with her douche bag at the time but she would always tell me that she felt some one was there watching her. She would hear things like foot steps and someone talking when she but she was the only one there and the tv's were off but she could never find anyone. My mother did some research and found out that the previous owners were younger and had several kids and the mother died of cancer in the house sometime in the mid 1980's so my mother would always call this ghost by the lady who passed away in the house. Anyways, every time I was over the house I would get the same feelings as my mother. I would never hear anything but I would always be like something is here watching me. Well one night while my mother and her douche bag were away for the weekend I invited a young lady over to the house to show her some things! We were in the house for about a half hour until she wanted me to get her something out of the kitchen. When you walked to the kitchen you had to walk past the steps leading upstairs and I would always rush past the stairs because it was always odd. Well this time as I walked by I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I have goose bumps right now! I turned my head, looked up the stairs and standing at the top of the stairs was the lady standing right there looking at me! She never said a thing to me but she was looking at me. I froze and within five seconds she was gone. I freaked out, grabbed the beer then the girl and left. The weirdest part of that story was as I am telling you this story I was telling a guy at work the same story. He asked me what the adress was where the house was and I told him. He ran out of the room so I asked his buddy why he left so fast and that guy tells me that was the house he grew up in and the person you were talking about was his mother!

If you have any questions feel free to ask me........
Man! That would freak me out! Be really scary seeing some one else in your house! Or your moms.