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Old 03-28-2009, 09:08 PM
Giant Nontypical
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Default galco skyops IWB holster

anyone happen to ever use a galco skyops IWB holster???

looking for a good holster to carry a full sized pistol (sig 226) in the summer.

with my pancake holster now, its just too noticeable in a t-shirt if i do anything other than stand and the t-shirt has to be a bit bigger to hide it then...

cold temps when i got a button down on(untucked) or a hooded sweatshirt on, i have no problems concealing it...

looking for something for the summer months when i got a t-shirt on...i know galco holsters are good holsters...

reviews seem good...some dont like that its hard to draw from because the fit is so tight...i have no issue with that...i want that. im pretty active and like to have my pistol on my hip...feel naked without i rather have some retention....actually going to ditch the open top pancake soon as well just because i rather have more minute i could be at the grocery store, the next i could be workin on the farm...dont really need the pistol on my hip at the farm, but its a pain to have to take it off and find somewhere safe for it to be, then put it back on when im done...same with anything else...could be doing one thing one minute, the next im a bit more active...

so anyone ever use the holster?? comments? others to look at??

i know the easy thing to do is buy a smaller pistol...but i like my full sized pistol...might goto a 229 or 239...but a holster is alot cheaper of a fix right now...if i can find on that will conceal it with just a t-shirt on...(t-shirt will be untucked...just so noone thinks im trying to hide a full sized pistol with a tucked in shirt...though they claim the skyops was designed just for that purpose....

i know hiding a full sized pistol when bending over and moving weird ways will likely be impossible...thats not an issue really...just dont want it showing when im out in public which is usually standing and walking around....
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