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Old 02-13-2009, 06:48 AM
Giant Nontypical
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 6,585
Default RE: Triple 7 crud ring


I get the same crud ring with t7 or pyro. after about 2 or 3 shots my triumph will get hard to load and through off the shot
Are you using the same referance that the rest of us are ?
Pydrodex is a powder that leaves a quite of bit of corrosive residue usually reasonably soft and spread out, what we call a crudring is a very hard ring of residue that forms right above where the bullet sits and is difficult to get out.
Mike,Dave, UC help us out on this so we all mean the same thing when we us these terms. Or do some people get crud ring with pyrodex? I used it for years in a dozen different guns and while it was kind of dirty I never even heard of anybody getting crudring with it. Lee
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