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Old 02-04-2009, 04:44 PM
Giant Nontypical
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Default RE: surgery tomorrow

ORIGINAL: sjsfire

ORIGINAL: sproulman

ORIGINAL: sjsfire

Damn are we gettin older or what? I'm having back surgery too tomorrow 2/5. They are suppose to call today between noon and 4pm to let me know what time I need to show up. I hope it's early...I got bone spurs and something called spinal stenosis that is pinching off the nerves running down my legs in the L2-3, 4-5 disks plus they are also herniated (sp?). I've had the cortizone shots and they worked great for a short time. But I would have had 3 shots in about 7 months and they said no more. Good luck dustyr, we'll be back shooting before you know it.
you have to get floor and pull your legs up and hold.
thats only way to relieve pressure on your l2,l3 discs.

doctor sproul has spoken

Sorry Doc. Been there, done that. 2 months worth of therapy. My spinal column is closing up with bone spurs and such. No ammount of exercise or therapy will straighten my problems out. So where do I file my case against you for malpractice.....
well, hmmmmm, ahhhhhh, DR .SPROUL HERE.

all kidding aside, sorry to hear that.

i also have same problems.

only thing that helps me is above but i hate to get on floor to do it.

go to swimming pool and you will not believe how good it makes you feel, takes pressure off your back.

my l2/l3 are herinated but i live with it as best i can.

wqorst part is climbing down my treestand after sitting ,OH MY,my feet feel like stubs on steps.
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