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Old 01-18-2009, 09:59 PM
Typical Buck
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: The forests and farmland of Ohio
Posts: 625
Default RE: Archery League

well there are 5 and 1 spot targets. If you are fairly accurate and concerned about ruining arrows then shoot a 5 spot if your not such a good shot go with a 1 spot if you league offers the choice of either. for scoring on the 5 spot there is a bullseye normally called x worth 5 points the next ring is 4 pts. outside of that ring there is no other chance to get points unless you hit another one of the 5 spots. On a 1 spot there is the x spot worth 5 then it goes down from there in each ring untill you get to 1 pt. if you fail to hit any rings then it is 0. in our leauge teams have 2 targets placed vertically to each other. the guy shooting the top target goes first. He is also the top shooter. top shooter always shoots top target first. the shooter up shoots 5 arrows then backs off the line and the line will switch then the other shooter's turn comes up. after 6 rounds teammates switch targets vertically and then the other shooter shoots first. another 6 rounds. perfect score is 300. I always bring an extra arrow to the line with me incase something happens. Starting out I used the 1 spot until I honed my skills then I moved to the 5 spot because i was ruining to many arrows. most of all just have fun.
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