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Old 01-08-2009, 04:08 PM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 139
Default RE: 6.5mm Rem Mag ?

yeah, that's the 673. I, too, like the looks of it, but I understand you either like it or you don't. No in betweens on whether you like the looks or not! I thought about buying one a couple of years ago, but didn't do it.

I was hoping somebody would own the gun in whatever caliber. Just wanted a little real life feedback.

As for the ammo.... we have three stores in the area who like compeeting to see who the gun & ammo "superstore" is. So, as long as Remington's making the ammo all three will probably be selling it. I guess I'm lucky in that respect, but if need be I can always make a couple of batches.

We'll see if it's a good deer getter or not this fall I suppose. I'll let you all know!
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