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Old 12-19-2008, 09:47 AM
Greg / MO
Giant Nontypical
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Default RE: Modifications? Lone Wolf Sit and Climb

Nice tip, muzzy.

Another thing you may want to do is look at where the two sections contact each other when assembled for packing and put some moleskin on those contact points.

I'd buy the XL traction belts, too -- especially if you follow my advice in the first post and flip those screws over so the bolts won't prohibit the belts from going further down into the platform arms. Matt jokingly said once on here that I could set up in a lollypop stick-sized tree... he's right. If it's big enough to not bend over from my weight, I can get in it.

Take some flat black spray paint (the .97 Wal Mart variety works great for this) and streak the outer flat partof that stand; they dull it down at the factory, but it's prone to wearing off and catching a glint of sunlight. The streaks of black are all it needs.
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