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Old 11-21-2008, 05:20 PM
Robert L E
Fork Horn
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Central Iowa
Posts: 234
Default RE: Begginner and frustrated

If there are good numbers of deer in your area, the reason for not seeing deer is likely that you are a beginner and not giving yourself the optimum chance due to your inexperience.

Wind direction is most critical and can change during the day. Position yourself so any human odors blow away from where you expect the deer to travel. Since you are gun hunting, do not set up very close to where sign says the deer will be, they are not too smart but have wickedly keen senses (don't fidget). It also does no good if you will have trouble getting an unobstructed shot.

Try to be very quiet. Deer have big ears but they do not have instant triangulation of sound like we do. They have to "focus" their hearing because of their swivel ears. If you make a very brief noise, it is critical that you are quiet for a time. The deer will not know which direction the noise came from and may not spook because they do not have enough info to tell them in which direction to flee. They WILL have heard the noise though and be on alert. I have seen deer look the wrong way even when they are shot at. A human does not have to focus his ears so we can judge noise direction nearly instantly. We cannot hear as well as a deer though, just judge noise direction faster.

You can get a deer any time of the day but towards first light seems best for me. They seem to be moving to or from something, feed, water, or bedding, both in the morning and at last light too. Try to get set up at least 1/2 hour before legal shooting.

Think about what your set up looks like from where the deer will be. If it stands out to you, it will likely stand out to the deer. It may help to move into a tree's shadow or next to a bush. Anything to blend in better yet still staying safe with your state's blaze orange requirement.

Time in the field is most important. I cannot shoot a deer while sitting at this terminal.

Good luck, and remember the most important requirement..................... pictures, we need picture of your successful hunt when it happens.


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