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Old 11-03-2008, 08:35 PM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: Bowhunters for McCain


I think you're an absolute freakin idiot if you vote for Obama. He has WAY too many ties with terrorists, he won't come clean about his place of birth, where his campaign-funds come from, what bills he's signed or even his true religion. He's written himself that he'll stick with the Muslems when the **** hits the fan. And the BIGGEST reason I think you're an idiot for voting for him is because he won't even salute the American flag! How the hell can you vote someone for president who don't even salute our flag? If he won't, and he won't recite the pledge of allegiance, then why the hell does he want to run this country? And his wife is blatantly hateful of white people (written herself in college). What kind of change do you think you're going to see if he's elected? Socialism, that's what kind. It didn't work for the USSR and it won't work for us. In fact, I'll bet it'll bring this country down faster than it did Russia.

Even if there weren't any of the issues mentioned above, just the fact that he has NO experience running ANYTHING is reason enough to vote for McCain. And not that McCain is a great choice either. Hell, we haven't had 2 decent candidates to choose from in a presidential election in decades. But at least McCain has experience, and is a true American. Obama is aliar and his wife is a racist-biatch!
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