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Old 10-24-2008, 12:10 PM
Cougar Mag
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Default RE: Do bucks live with doe during the rut ?

I keep reading about "a doe or one doe". I believe that the mature bucks will lock down with many receptive does that are in one group. I think that helps explain why a certain buck or bucks may not be seen for a few days, then may begin showing up again later on. Its not a one doe rule. I've witnessed here in the rut the king buck feeding and traveling with several does. When that buck and doe group are done dealing with each other, he will look for more and many times if not most he will travel far outside his normal territory looking for more does to breed.

As for scrapes, if I find a new scrape(be new I mean less than a day or one day old), I'll not be far from those scrapes during the rut. Killed one of my best bucks a day or so after he made new scrapes, and he happened to chase two does past my stand not 20 yards from those scrapes. I took my best buck within a few days of finding twin new scrapes and he was less than 15 yards from those scrapes when I took the shot. Doesn't mean he was standing guard on those scrapes but he knew some receptive does were in the area and traveling the trail leading from a hillside.
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