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Old 10-01-2008, 03:25 PM
stealthycat II
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 1,701
Default RE: Spider bull has been killed

Where did the 200K come in play?
wasn't that gov tag $140,000 ? or was it $170,000 ? and how much do you think he paid his Mossback buddies for 30 days of hounding that bull ?

CAelknuts you're funny ....... I can kill a big bull for $$$ too ........ there is no hunting involved. Notice the other kills Austad made ... other big bulls, a whopper mule deer, all with Mossback finding the animals and Austad shooting them.

I got no jealousy towards buying an animal and shooting it, no hunter does - make no mistake, there was no hunting here by the shooter, all the hunting was done by a bunch

and I have no doubt that it did take some serious effort to close the deal
How much of the hunt did Austad do vs the Mossback guides?

I mean c'mon, they poured dozens of people into finding..... HOUNDING... that bull until the GPS coordinates and radio's finally matched the bull up with the shooter

and yeah, I'm not calling him a hunter ..... its my opinion he paid $200,000 for horn porn, and he did pull the trigger but did he HUNT this bull, I mean REALLY HUNT IT ?

I'm saying no from everything I've read

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