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Old 04-27-2003, 02:08 AM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Illinois
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Default RE: Slick Trick Broadheads


If I recall correctly; in " huntmup' s thread, or as you put it: …some Internet post, " huntmup" was not addressing you directly, and was not using the thread to appeal to you to change the design of the " Slick Trick," Nor do I recall that he sounded as though he had a Viagra for you, your company, and/or the broadhead, and was attempting to rally the masses to boycott your product. I do not recall " huntmup," or anyone, asking you to come here, read the thread, and change your broadhead design as you have implied was the objective of the thread.

He apparently had some questionable and repeated results when using the " Slick Trick," and believed the results and his suspicions (hypothesis) were worthy of putting out for others to read, see, and judge for themselves. I believe that " huntmup" presented a very good case. He was quite detailed in his report, and provided some very good evidentiary photos.

Most of all, although he could have easily said that he was convinced your product has a serious design flaw, that the broadhead was a piece of crap, and beseeched others not to purchase the " Slick Trick," he did not. He walked right down the middle.

You might not like controversy regarding your product, but your permission is not needed.

You... do not decide whether or not there will be controversy about your product, you... do not have the final authority to determine if the controversy is warranted and valid, you... do not choose where the controversy will occur, you... do not decide who can be involved in the debate should controversy occur, you... do not decide who shall have interest, and you... do not decide whether or not anyone shall conclude that the information that " huntmup" presented has merit, or does not have merit.

You want readers to validate your case, but totally ignore " huntmup' s" case. You said that ... " The quotes I posted are from average guys and dealers with no reason for bias. They represent the everyday opinion I hear from people who have used the heads."

First: I do not know if " huntmup is (just) an average guy, or a dealer of anything. However, he is -or was, a user of your product, and he too has right to have, as you say, " quotes." Second: If a person uses a particular product, he or she will be biased in some manner and to some degree, for or against, based on their experience with the product. To say that someone who uses your product, likes your product, and praises your product -especially in writing, …" has no reason for bias," is ridiculous.

You say that you have dealers who stock your product, have sold thousands of packs of your product, have, themselves, used your product, and have been adamant that you not change your design. That is good and carries some weight. However, what you present as evidence is " marketing testimonials." What " huntmup" presented is his side based on repeated use, backed by photos, and in person….albeit in an Internet post under a " User ID," but present and able to respond to questions and comments.

The bow shop in my locale carries products that are good, and products that are inferior to other products. Just because the shop carries a particular product, does not guarantee quality and performance. Stores of any kind often carry a variety of similar products that appeal to as many customer preferences and affordable money as is possible.

What does " thousands" of packs of the " Slick Trick" broadheads being sold confirm? That the " Slick Trick" does not have a design flaw that increases the possibility of deflection at a particular angle? I think not.

How many bowhunters are not aware that deflection can occur, or that if deflection did occur it was possibly caused by a design flaw in the broadhead? How many hunters are so joyous that they killed and recovered a deer they never gave a second thought to the path of the arrow that occurred inside the deer? Is it possible that deer have been killed by " Slick Trick" heads that did deflect but the incident(s) was/were not reported?

You have the right to defend your product, and it is wise (good business) that you do. However, your failed attempt to discredit " huntmup' s" report by attempting to discredit " huntmup," and your insinuation that no one but a designer and manufacturer of a product has brains or insight, was repugnant and not good business. Personal/business reputation can supersede the quality of a product.
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