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Old 04-08-2003, 01:21 PM
Typical Buck
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: USA
Posts: 868
Default RE: BOOSTING SPEED of a already Blazing fast bow!

Your last question first.

The bow is a 98 Hoyt Striker Redline...hence the name.

As far as sighting in goes, it does take a bit more time, but if you go about it in steps then it is really not that bad.
The directions tell you to pull to anchor a bunch of times with your eyes closed. After each anchor, adjust the NoPeep a little more until you have it aligned.
You may want to put the bow down for awhile and allow your arms to rest. Pick it up again and draw to anchor with your eyes closed. Open them and the NoPeep should be aligned. Keep at this process up until you can consistently draw to anchor, open your eyes and have the NoPeep aligned.

Once you are there, you just go about setting your pins the way you would with a peep.

The getting used to it for me was very easy. I have heard of some taking longer than others to get accustomed to it, but that varies from individual to individual. Right after I installed the NoPeep, I left my regular peep in place and used the pair in combination. After awhile I realized I was no longer relying on the peep sight and was always aligning on the NoPeep. After that the peep came off.

I think that initially it will require more concentration as you adjust to the change in sighting systems, but in a short time you will find that you are able to just briefly check the NoPeep before the shot without any real penalty for concentration or time. Very similarly to action pistol shooting. You spend a great deal of time in the beginning acquiring and aligning your sight picture. After awhile it just comes naturally and you don' t have to think about it.
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