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Old 02-10-2008, 05:34 PM
Typical Buck
Join Date: May 2007
Location: South Carolina
Posts: 957
Default RE: ingress/egress

You need to check on a few things also. Like you talk about the mineral rights. And timber rights and so on.

If you buy land and someone else has the timber rights it means that they own the timber. They can come and clear the land and theres nothing you can do about it. If you buy land like this you need to have a time limit in your contract. Example...Give them ten years to remove all of the timber. After that its done. If not, they can come in and cut a little bit and cut a little bit....and what they are really doing is waiting on the other timber to mature enough so they can cut it also.

As for the mineral rights. I am not sure I would buy land that someone else owned them. This means that they can come dig up all of the land. ????
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